Practitioners & Vendors!!

​Our in-person Fairs run on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-7pm. See details on what to bring, when to arrive, etc. Click the Be in a Fair button below for dates and pricing.
We offer a Free Intuitive Panel from 11am-12pm (see below). We also offer Talks throughout the Fair. Free snacks are offered at venues that allow us to do that.
We have 40-90+ Practitioners & Vendors who are all (with a few exceptions who have received permission) selling services and/or products at the Fair. Everyone is welcome to offer small free samples to potential customers. Everyone chooses their own prices and keeps all the funds they are paid.
We aim to create a collaborative event that expands consciousness on the planet and is a haven for those exploring metaphysics and alternative wellness. Let's grow and thrive together!
Get Video Interviewed
We offer 5-10 min video interviews of our Practitioners & Vendors so the public can get to know who we are and what we offer before they arrive at an event.
Watch other interviews to get a sense of how they flow and see details on how to prepare and schedule your interview.
My aim is to to help you relax and be you.
People are curious, and no one knows your work better than you or is inspired in the unique way you are. Let's have that shine!

Prepare for "Intuitive Panel" at a Fair
As we approach 11am, we'll gather in the set of chairs at the front of the panel area. Laureli will facilitate the Panel. We'll welcome everyone, share a bit about the Fair and our other events. All the vendors will introduce themselves and their work very briefly - for about 30 seconds. We'll ask who has questions, call on one person, and then 3-4 of us will briefly respond (45 secs) before we move on. We'll complete by 12:15pm. We may need to immediately rearrange the chairs to reuse the space - so please help us or go back to your booth - or prep to move your booth out into this space if you've been placed here.
It is essential that everything you share at the Panel is of service - no advertising about what you can do later at your booth or in a private session. Offer answers, intuition and healing - now. Offer exercises and activities they can do later. Speak to them specifically and to everyone. We'll keep the energy moving.
You may come and go during the Panel. It is fine to introduce yourself and then go back to your booth. If you've offered a couple of answers, please refrain for a bit to give others an opportunity. We want this to be pleasurable, engaging and of service to everyone.
Prepare for "Night of Messages"
Come about 30 minutes early. Bring cards, brochures, and whatever else you'd like to put on everyone's chairs (coordinate this with us) or offer at the entrance table.
We'll all introduce ourselves, talk about the theme, then answer questions. Attendees will write their questions on slips of paper, optionally designating who they want to have start answering. We'll all take turns, weaving our answers together.
One of us will watch the time and signal when we need to move on. Take care to share the time with the others on the panel - rotate who goes first if there aren't specific requests. We split the time with the number of people in the audience, however sometimes more people join or we go a bit long with a few people - and so sometimes we run late.
We have feedback forms on each chair - we get their contact info (Laureli will send it to you) and testimonials in exchange for offering a drawing for a free 30 min session with one of us of their choice.

Prepare for "Night of Messages" or an "Awakening Panel"
Come early (15 min ahead for online, 30 min ahead for in person). In person, bring cards, brochures, and whatever else you'd like to put on everyone's chairs (coordinate this with us) or offer at the entrance table. For an Online AP - prepare what you want us to post about you in the zoom chat (name, modality, website, prices, event special, etc.). We do FB Live before the event during the 15 min before.
We'll all introduce ourselves, talk about the theme (sometimes this is integrated in talking a out ourselves), then answer questions. In person, everyone pays to attend, and all attendees will write their questions on slips of paper in person Online, only attendees paying to ask will submit questions in chat or share onscreen. We'll all take turns, weaving our answers together.
Take care to share the time with the others on the panel and rotate who goes first. We split the time with the number of people in the audience, however sometimes more people join or we go a bit long with a few people - and so sometimes we run late. Online aim for 15 min/question.

Prepare for an Online Fair
(or Panel)
For an online event, you'll want to do some prep work:
Get a Zoom account and download Zoom Client for Meetings (update it frequently too)
Watch our training videos (optional and recommended)
Choose your zoom settings
Set up your name as (right before the Event if you use zoom regularly)
P: FirstName|Modality​ or P~FirstName~Modality
Keep it short so it shows well in chat
Learn to use Breakout Rooms and move around
Offer Talks or Group Readings/Healings (1st is Free, more are $3 each - we'll announce and promote)
Ensure you've got a place with good internet
Ensure your device has a camera, microphone, speakers (can use 2 devices - ask Anissa how)
Preferably use earphones or a headphone with a microphone
Choose your background and lighting (on your face)
Plan for background noise to be low
Read how to prepare for an Intuitive Panel (above)
Review our training materials linked above.
Join the Fair (or Panel) about 15 minutes early so we're all set and ready to film a FB Live to promote it.
See all our scheduled Online Events.
What is a "Training Panel"
The Training Panels are currently only online. They are designed for new Practitioners, Practitioners who are new new at sharing their work in public on a stage, new at having others pay for their work, or who are sharing a new modality.
Everyone attending knows that these Practitioners are in Training. People pay a lower price (50% off) to ask a question, so there is less pressure on everyone. There are two senior Practitioners who support the Practitioners in Training (likely me along with someone else). We meet extra early to help everyone get grounded and to have extra time to do the FB Live recording (for marketing the event).
We also support the Practitioners in Training while they are answering question on the Panel. If you feel nervous, we can ask you questions to help you share your intuition, etc. We'll back you up however you need it! We also stay with you after the Panel to help you celebrate your successes and integrate your learnings.
See the Night of Messages / Awakening Panel writeup for more info on how the event runs.
Email Laureli@thrive-wise.com if you'd like to join!